Monday, January 5, 2009

Converting Windows wifi driver to Linux

Most popular program is ndiswrapper

After installing ndiswrapper

1.ndiswrapper -i ~/drivers/driver name.inf  (intalling driver)
(point the driver .inf file to .inf in ntfs or fat partion)

2.ndiswrapper -l this command will help in listing wifi file
if installation is successful one

3.depmod -a (Loading diver to kernal and memory)
modprobe ndiswrapper

4.tail /var/log/messages ( check message )
ur wifi will be up and running)

5. when you restart the system u have to run the third option once gain so better create a script
add it in start up

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curl and cacert

curl -v --cacert cacert.pem https://www.example/cgi-bin/f ile.xgi -I -X POST