Thursday, February 5, 2009

Reparing logical volume

1. Use Boot cd to login ...follow the instructions
2. After this process is over .. Dont mount any file system
3. Type this command lvm vgchage --ignorelockingfailure -p -a y
4. List the partition using fdisk -l command
5. find out the lvm partition (if u are not able to find lvm partition , mount the boot partition and find out from grub configuration
6. run this command fsck -f -y /dev/VolGroup/Logvol00 (This is an example)
7. This command will check for all errors and it will take little time.... wait it for it to compete
8. When its over please reboot the system.

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curl and cacert

curl -v --cacert cacert.pem https://www.example/cgi-bin/f ile.xgi -I -X POST